August - September 2010

Our summer trip... sorry about the delay posting it!

After Roche Harbor we slowly worked our way over to Anacortes so Bob could get to work. Shari and the girls stayed in Anacortes for a few days and had some fun checking out the local park and town area. We were blown away by how many deer were roaming around the neighborhoods near the marina.
Okay all you hosers...We're in Canada now, eh?

After Winter Cove we motor-sailed to Montague Harbor on Galiano Island. At one point, Shari noticed a funny sound behind us. Looking back, she saw that the kayak was swamped and about to go under (we had been towing it behind us)! Yikes. We stopped the boat as quickly as we could and sent Bob to bail out the kayak. Once it was light enough, we hauled it aboard. Never a dull moment!
Once we got into Montague Harbor, which is very large and spacious to anchor in, we were taken aback by how extraordinarily full it was. It was almost impossible to find space to anchor. It was Labor Day weekend, but we didn't think it was that big of a deal in Canada-I guess we were wrong! Luckily we found a spot to anchor near the entrance and got a pretty good bite with the anchor. Now wouldn't you just know it, just after sunset the wind really piped up and was blowing a good 30 knots. Now, normally this wouldn't be anything to worry about, but we were packed in there like sardines! We were alongside and behind huge (50-70ft) power boats that were swinging like Marmaduke's tail when he's anticipating a big juicy bone. Luckily, everybody held just fine through the night.

A trip to Canada would not be complete without a stay at Wallace Island. The hiking here is fantastic as well as the history.

After Wallace, we made our way to a new anchorage at DeCourcy Island. It's named Pirate's Cove and some awesome cruiser made a treasure chest that all cruisers can give to or receive from when they visit the island.

We left Pirate's Cove the next day and headed through Dodds Narrows to Nanaimo. We anchored in Mark Bay at Newcastle Island. We love this island! It has wonderful hiking, sandy beaches, and many grassy areas to run and play. While playing at the beach, the rain began to fall...and didn't stop for 3 days! We thought this would be a good time to try out our reciprocal moorage privledges at Nanaimo Yacht Club. They were wonderful there. We were able to do a bunch of laundry and some additional grocery shopping.
The rain let up and it was time for us to head out. We anchored in another new bay, Clam Bay, which is between Thetis and Kuper Island. There is wonderful long beach there that we found all sorts of unique treasures (shells and beach glass). The next morning we were very excited to get back to the beach. As we dinghied to shore, Sydney noticed a bee. Once on shore we all soon had bees buzzing about. Well, I think we must have removed something sacred from the island, because the curse of the bees was upon us! The bees were becoming uncomfortably aggressive and we decided it was time to leave! Of all times for the outboard to not cooperate, this was not it, but, wouldn't you know, that's not how things work. So, here's Bob trying to start the motor and the girls screaming. I'm sure if anyone was watching us they would have gotten a good laugh! We were pretty panicked to get in the dinghy and be gone! It wasn't too hard to convince ourselves it was time to move on. So, south we traveled to Todd Inlet.
On our way to Todd Inlet (right behind Butchart Gardens), we had a gorgeous passage through Stuart channel.

The next day we caught the bus (double decker!) into Victoria.

It wasn't long before we had to start working our way home. It's always wonderful to enter back into the U.S.. Everything is sooooo expensive in Canada! We checked back into the U.S. at Friday Harbor and stayed there for a couple of days while some undesirable weather followed us. Before long we were very ready to get out of the "city" and back to nature. We motored over to Cypress Island, one of our favorites in the San Juans. We had the beach to ourselves! We finally made a campfire (that we had promised to do with the girls all summer!). The girls filled their bellies with hot dogs and roasted marshmallows.

After 2 nights at Cypress we headed down the Swinomish Channel to La Conner. Fortunately, we had no "log" incidents this year (see La Conner 2009 if you don't know what we're talking about here)

From La Conner, we cruised down to Langley Harbor on Whidbey Isalnd. We enjoyed 2 fun nights there and then headed to Shilshole Marina in Seattle to see our friends there. We had a wonderful time visiting and before long it was time to head home. We are so thankful for a memorable and safe summer. We already can't wait until next summer arrives.